19 March 2025
AGM 2025
This year's WCCU Annual General Meeting is being held on Monday 7 April 2025, at 6.00pm.
We will be using the GoTo Webinar platform for the meeting, hosted by ABCUL, the Association of British Credit Unions. ABCUL have hosted a number of AGM's & SGM's for other credit unions accross the UK over recent times, so everything is tried and tested!
Simply enter your First Name, Last Name, Email & Membership Number, then press the blue ‘Register’ button. All done! There is no cost to taking part.
You will receive a confirmation email immediately, from Jackie Littlewood at ABCUL, with a link to join the meeting.
At the virtual meeting
At the start of the AGM, we’ll run through how the virtual AGM will work.
During the meeting, you can 'ask virtual questions' at any time by typing in the 'Question' section. We will be monitoring questions throughout the meeting, and will either reply in the question area or in some cases, respond afterwards.
All Attendees will be 'muted' during the presentation. Ahead of a vote, the Presenter will ask members to use the 'Hand Raising' function.
Voting will be live in the meeting with instant results. The vote will be on screen, and members simply select their preference. We will hold a test vote at the start of the meeting, so everyone will have the opportunity to practise!
You will be able to:
- Hear from our Board, external auditors and CEO
- Find out about the 2023/24 dividend
- Find out about and give support to changes within the Board of Directors for the coming year
- Ask questions about the credit union's performance and future plans
- Vote on the proposed name change of the Credit Union
You can ask questions to our Board of Directors in the following ways:
- On the live ToGo webinar event on Monday 7 April 2025
- Via email to antoinette@wccul.co.uk (deadline 3.30pm on Thursday 3 April)
- By post to Wolverhampton City Credit Union, Civic Centre, St. Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1SH (to arrive before Thursday 3 April)
We will try to answer as many questions as we can live on the night. If you would like to receive any paper documents, such as the Annual Report or AGM minutes, please let us know and we can gladly post them to you after the event.
We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual AGM.